Monday, November 17, 2008

Making it all come together...

Ok so one thing I've learned recently is that I'm definitely no Martha Stewart! I've been doing my best lately to pull my house together..decorate, paint, arrange furniture. I've lived in my house for a year and half already and it's amazing to me how long it takes to do all this stuff. The good thing is I totally enjoy doing it and I love to see the finished product. The downside is, my wallet and bank account do not look so kindly on the idea of sprucing up the diggs!! So I've been trying to look for great deals, and have actually had decent luck so far. My new best friend is Craigslist....I'm totally obsessed! I bought some porch furniture this weekend and I LOVE it! Now I'm trying to sell a bunch of my stuff from around the house that I don't use anymore (furniture, clothes, decorative stuff) to make these new purchases seem more justifiable!

I wish I was more of a Do It Yourself kinda girl. I love home makeover shows and looking through decorating magazines and yeah watching and tv and reading I'm good at. But actually learning and making something myself is totally another story. I think I'm just afraid to mess up so much that I end up spending more money than if I just bought something nice to begin with. Oh yeah did I forget to mention I can be majorly cheap sometimes!! haha! My husband and I are all about buyers remorse! I've learned that all this house work takes a lot of talent as well as a good bit of trial and error. And besides, I guess it's ok to muck some stuff up every now and then, after all it is our house!

All in all I feel like my house is becoming more and more of a home everyday. It's become our own as we add our little personal touches to everything. When I step back and just take it all in I really do just feel so fortunate to have everything that we do. It's definitely a blessing and one I intend not to take for granted. Rob and I are totally homebodies so having a relaxing space is important to us. I'm totally up for any decorating and do-it-yourself tips, so bring it on!!


Unknown said...

OH YEAH! I'm so glad you are on here now! gotta add you to my link list! we'll definately talk more for your hubbies bday this weekend, woohoo!

life in a positive direction said...

Way to go new blogger!!! I love your house. Can you help me decorate mine?....again?!!! Love ya!!!