Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I love these kids!

I recently went back home to Connecticut to visit my family. I hadn't been home since August 2007 . That was the longest I'd been away from "home". It still feels strange to call CT home now that I've lived in South Carolina for 5 years. But there's something about going back up North that stirs up so many old feelings inside me. It's like a time warp....stepping back into my life ten years ago. Life there is just so different - not better or worse - just different. It's a strange feeling when I'm back there. Comfortable and uncomfortable all at the same time. It's like I expect everything to be the exact same way that I left it. And it never is.

But no matter the changes, no matter the good memories or the bad, I have some pretty incredible people there that make me feel perfectly at home when I'm there. Some of the most important people in my life are in the two pictures above. I have two nieces and two nephews. They are amazing!!! Beyond amazing actually. They are so full of love and get so excited to have Auntie Amanda and Uncle Rob around to play with. The time I spend with them means the world to me. They make me appreciate so much about life and what it means to love.

It was a great trip home! I love my family!

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