Monday, January 5, 2009


As the race draws closer I am becoming more and more determined and motivated. So many people have been checking in with me this week. Friends, family, and co-workers have been asking questions, wishing me luck, and just taking a general interest in all the hard work that Rob and I have put into our training...and it means the world to me!! I feel accountable to everyone, and not in a bad way. I obviously want to do this race as a personal goal. But I also want to do this as a testament to my friends and family that have shown me what the word determination really means. I've had so many friends who have gone through such difficult times, especially recently. Life can be utterly painful at times. Things happen that can tear us down and make us feel like we can't go on. But quitting is not an option in life. You have to go on and keep fighting. I want to run this marathon for all my friends and family who have been so strong and never given up. I'll definitely be thinking of all my friends and family during this race and using those relationships to motivate me. I have so many people in my life that keep me going on a daily basis. So thank you for all your love and'll be with me on the big day!!


Unknown said...

I LOVE that quote on that guys shirt--it's so true. You guys are both so determined and I know you will accomplish so many goals. Finishing a marathon will not just take you 26.2 will take you to places you never even imagined. Expect life changes, life perceptions to be changed, and you will just be a better person for it. I look forward to your post marathon story. Trust me, it won't be a short one :).

life in a positive direction said...

I am soooo proud of both of you!!! We will be tracking you both the whole race and telling Rileigh that he has absolute heroes for parents!!! We love you and are amazed and inspired by yall's determination-you two bring new meaning to the word for us!!!